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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Criminal Profiling, opinion artical.

Criminal profiling is the most efficient, and best strategy used by criminal psychologist and profilers. I believe this because of the extended research I have done in past months. I think that the definition of criminal profiling is important “[criminal profiling] . . . is a technique for identifying the major personality, behavioral, and demographic characteristics of offenders based on an analysis of the crimes they committed”(Cook, Hinman 231). This is important because it shows how criminal profiling is helpful and important. It does that by stating what it does which is analyzation of the crime. With out it we would have no Idea what the sex, personality, or anything else about the criminal. Criminal profiling is effective because we use it everyday to help find fugitives and other types of criminals. We use it everyday because there are so many different types: hijacking profiles, shoplifter profiles. Sex offender and so on (Cook, Hinman 232). We use them so much because they work. If they did not work then why would we use them so much? We wouldn’t.

Apart of the process of criminal profiling is predetermination.   Completing the steps of profiling, which are: 1. Profiling inputs, 2.desision process model, and 3. Profile, 4. Crime assessment, 5. Investigation, and 6. Apprehension (Cook, Hinmsn 235).  All of those completed make it possible to pre determine the next move of the criminal.  If that it done correctly then they will be able to stop the criminal before he makes his next attack. When the criminal is unable to make his next attack the criminal profilers have then been able to save another victim from abuse. Which makes this another reason why criminal profiling is the best strategy used.

A criminal profiler takes evidence from the crime scene to make his profile. He does a “ . . . blood splatter analysis, fiber analysis, crime scene reconstruction, and autopsy evidence”(Cook, Hinman 239). They also do all of that which the help of their partners from forensics. Even though they do get help they spend long hours everyday making it possible for victims to live. Without them we would not have found missing children that have been abducted, or a stolen car, and so on.

Criminal profiling helps with criminal investigations as well. “Profiling can (a) focus the investigation on more likely types of offenders and eliminate less likely ones, (b) suggest proactive strategies, (c) suggest investigative strategies, (d) suggest trial strategies . . .” (Cook, Hinman 234). They are able to do all of those things plus more. This is important because we can use them in more ways than one since a criminal profiler is most likely a criminal psychologist. Psychologist/Profiler can find different way to word things so that you crack a killer when a regular person most likely could not. With out profiling we would not be able to understand a criminal. We understand criminals because the psychologist/profiler puts all the pieces together to get the puzzle, which in this case is the criminal.

Criminal profiling will forever be used even if someone does not think that it works as well as it really does. It is because of criminal profiling we have saved not only the victims, but the future victims, and the offender as well. People must see that we need to utilize this tool that we have more than we already are because it works.
Work cited: 
Cook, , and Hinman. "Criminal Profiling: science and art." 15.230 (2011):
230-241. Web. 7 Jun 2011.

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